About us

Open Innovation Channel

We have an open channel for innovation so that dental professionals can present the difficulties they encounter daily, so that together we can find innovative and efficient solutions – in a true partnership situation.

We also have partnerships with universities with the aim of providing knowledge transfer and developing new products, focusing on laboratory tests and feasibility and usability studies.

Come innovate with us

Innovation case: Abritec PwD

One of the examples of these partnerships is our product Abritec PwD, which was conceived together with Dr. Andreia Marsiglio, a professional who knows well the adversities of working with special patients. The result was an innovative product that has been making a difference in the routine of dental professionals.


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We are recognized for our quality

ISO 13485

Quality standards in the health area.

ISO 9001

General quality standards.

Boas Práticas de Fabricação
Adoção das boas práticas, segundo RDC 16/2013, da Anvisa.


by the GPTW institute

CE Marking

Mandatory code for marketing products in Europe.


Registration with the FDA (United States).

Testimonials from those who have already innovated with us

“My partnership with Indusbello has been going on for a long time, since the disposable sucker – which was one of the company’s first products. We recently developed together a maxillary sinus lifting system with crestal access that saves biomaterial and facilitates driving. It was a project that drew the attention of professionals from different countries.”

Prof. Dr. Wilson Trevisan Júnior
Associate Professor at the State University of Londrina (UEL)

“I was a partner of Indusbello in a careful process of development and improvement of the Radiografic Developer and Fixer. The concern and genuine efforts of the company were fundamental to improve these products with excellence, as the company has always advocated.”

Profa. Dra. Polyane Mazucatto Queiroz
Undergraduate and master’s professor in Dentistry at Uningá (Centro Universitário Ingá) – Maringá-PR

“After realizing the difficulty of performing procedures on patients with cognitive disabilities, the idea came up to create a mouth opener that was resistant and comfortable. From that, I called Indusbello and, together, we developed Abritec PcD, which aims precisely to offer a measure that facilitates service, providing much more comfort and safety.”

Profa. Dra. Andreia Aquino Marsiglio
Professor of the Discipline of Dentistry Clinic for Special Patients at the Catholic University of Brasilia (UCB)

Blog Indusbello

Canal de inovação Indusbello

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INDUSAPP – Aplicativo para smartphones e tablets gratuito para representantes e dentistas

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A saúde começa pela boca – por Dra. Rita Senna

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